Thursday, January 1, 2015

Happy New Year!

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Before the year ends again, (like what happened to our old friend, 2014)....

May We Wish You a Happy New Year!
Nothing lasts forever, so for every moment in the year to come, make it count, and capture it.

What is your new year resolution? Is it anything like this?

Wait a minute, should we even have one? Why do we bother to make one when experiences have proved again and again that most of the time, it just doesn't work out, we will lose the consistency of doing our resolution.


Here's why

So what are the top ones?

and here are some tips

and if you still don't find what you're looking for, here's some science for you

or maybe your new year resolution just needs to be like this:

Whatever it is, eASY #It'sGonnaBeDone

eASY! eASY, eASY, eASY! Get the goal eASY for all!

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